
YES 2024

Learn to Think,

Think to Lead

At YES, we believe that true leaders are born from the power of thought. That’s why our 2024 theme is “Learn to Think, Think to Lead. ” Join us for our life-changing YES Summit, a five-day event designed to unlock your full potential.

YES, aims to nurture your leadership abilities, entrepreneurial spirit, and social impact mindset through captivating keynote sessions, interactive workshops, mentorship opportunities, and cultural experiences. Gain a deeper understanding of Africa’s history and embrace the diversity of new countries you’ll explore.

Our curriculum empowers you to think critically, solve complex problems, and harness technology tools to enhance productivity. Connect with like-minded peers, experienced mentors, and supportive counsellors who will inspire and guide you throughout your journey.

Parents, imagine the gift of YES for your child—unparalleled education, personal growth, and a global perspective that will set them apart.

Our Message To:


Parents, imagine the gift of YES for your child—unparalleled education, personal growth, and a global perspective that will set them apart.


Africa's future lies in the hands of its young leaders. Commit to joining the YES movement today, and together, we’ll inspire, transform, and lead Africa into a prosperous and inclusive future.


Schools, enhance your educational program and foster a culture of leadership, critical thinking, and social responsibility by incorporating YES.

We help teams find their vision.

Floyd Miles
Dianne Russell
Art Director
Devon Lane
Digital Marketing
Jane Cooper
3D Director
Esther Howard
Marketing Director
Darlene Robertson
Accountant Manager

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